Friday, April 13, 2007


So when diana came over wednsday, she came EARLY. 830 in the freaking morning.
so that sucked getting up.

but we had fun, we..basically did nothing. Then we went bowling and out to lunchish with alex.
That was enjoyable.

Then when she left, i slept for 2 hours :D.
Yesterday..i did..nothing. I slept until 3, and basically napped the rest of the day. I was soo tired.

Then today I went out to lunch with Alayna and my dad at Olive Garden.
Viggy invited me to go see Disturbia at Quality 16, but i told her that i HATE scary movies.
So i vetoed that one, and instead I'm going to see Blades of Glory for the second time with my Parents.

becuase, I am cool like that.

Also, my face is orange/yellow, and my mom is freaked. But its always been like that, especially around my mouth. If you've ever noticed, or I've told you about it.



Anonymous said...

i never watched that show

~ forever and always... said...

uhm let me put it htis way Haley.LUCKY YOU GET TO SLEEP!!!!! I usually get up at 9:30 on the weekends, 10 if I'm lucky. Thats what happens when your an only child who has responsibilities like taking out the dog, feeding the dog, feeding the cats ucky wet food that looks like puke, and other unfun things. grrrrrr. I wanted to see disturbia, but one, that would let the cat out of the bag to my parents that I'm not a goody-goody-two-shoes and I have a very very dark side. Don't you dare tell them. My dad, well of course he knows, but mom and joe? well we'll leave it at that. and besides, mom wouldn't want to see it, and its r. I guess I'll wate until I go to dads. OMG this is the longest I've ever replied to someone. Sorry for wasting your precious html. :(

Anonymous said...

i SO wanna c blades of glory.

dieannuhh said...

hhaha. we really did do nothing.. but it was a fun nothing i think. i learned how to pull apart split ends. and i did that for 2 hours in a car ride the other day. so thank you for that :]

and the non-awkwardnesss.