Wednesday, April 18, 2007


so basically, lil abner is taking over my life.

thats all.

Friday, April 13, 2007


So when diana came over wednsday, she came EARLY. 830 in the freaking morning.
so that sucked getting up.

but we had fun, we..basically did nothing. Then we went bowling and out to lunchish with alex.
That was enjoyable.

Then when she left, i slept for 2 hours :D.
Yesterday..i did..nothing. I slept until 3, and basically napped the rest of the day. I was soo tired.

Then today I went out to lunch with Alayna and my dad at Olive Garden.
Viggy invited me to go see Disturbia at Quality 16, but i told her that i HATE scary movies.
So i vetoed that one, and instead I'm going to see Blades of Glory for the second time with my Parents.

becuase, I am cool like that.

Also, my face is orange/yellow, and my mom is freaked. But its always been like that, especially around my mouth. If you've ever noticed, or I've told you about it.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What a week

This break has been crazy.

First of all, I came back from DC feeling great.
I was excited, becuase I was leaving for the lakehouse that afternoon.

The lake was fun, we went to Bay Pointe with Audrey, Robin, and Aunt Sharri, and everyone else. We also went to see Blades of Glory, which was wonderful.

But then sunday before we came home, I started not feeling well.
Then Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednsday, and Thursday, well i basically died.
It turns out I had strep throat.
so that blows.

Then Saturday, I left for Las Vegas!
We saw Cirque De Soleil, and Mama Mia.

I also saw Brad Garrett! Who was staying at our hotel, and he talked to the manager of the pool as he was taking us to our cabana. So that was exciting.

Now I am home, and Diana is coming over tommmorow!
